A course for staff who intend to write assessment booklets for the organisation.
- Tutor: Conlin Simon
Skill Level: Beginner
- Tutor: Conlin Simon
Skill Level: Beginner
- Tutor: Ansell Sarah
- Tutor: Conlin Simon
- Tutor: Le Sage Natasha
- Tutor: McNeill Kevin
- Tutor: Page Nia
- Tutor: Page Nia
- Tutor: Philbin Kate
- Tutor: Powell Hazel
- Non-editing tutor: Bellis Saffa
- Non-editing tutor: Bellis Saffa
- Non-editing tutor: Berry James
- Non-editing tutor: Bohana Annabel
- Non-editing tutor: Cecilia Forsythe
- Non-editing tutor: Emmett Sam
- Non-editing tutor: Ford Lissette
- Non-editing tutor: Forsythe Cecilia
- Non-editing tutor: Ghrairi Alison
- Non-editing tutor: Gilmore Louise
- Non-editing tutor: Harris Natasha
- Non-editing tutor: Holmes Nicola
- Non-editing tutor: Jones Eleanor
- Non-editing tutor: Jones Laura
- Non-editing tutor: Jones Sophie
- Non-editing tutor: Jones Sophie
- Non-editing tutor: Marilyn Thomas
- Non-editing tutor: Murphy Jayne
- Non-editing tutor: O'Neill Sarah
- Non-editing tutor: Powell William
- Non-editing tutor: Saunders Leane
- Non-editing tutor: Thomas Marilyn
- Non-editing tutor: Watkins Jane
- Non-editing tutor: Wilding Judith
- Non-editing tutor: Wilding Judith
- Non-editing tutor: Wiliam Buddug
- Non-editing tutor: Wiliam Owen Buddug
Skill Level: Beginner
- Tutor: Berry James
- Tutor: Jones Eleanor
Skill Level: Beginner
- Tutor: Conlin Simon
- Tutor: O'Neill Sarah
Skill Level: Beginner
- Tutor: Conlin Simon
- Tutor: Hembery Sarah
- Tutor: Page Nia
- Tutor: Page Nia
Skill Level: Beginner